

Young and Unknown
She did not know what today may bring. So innocent, young and Unknown to the cruel world of mankind's.
It was a sunny day, beautiful as always, with secrets lay behind the clouds.

Preparing to go to work as she said her goodbye to her sons. See you later my babies she said. Deciding that she will not drive her car to work today, she took a taxi.

Work was just normal as every other day. Cheers and laughters, conversations taking place among everyone, happiness filled the air. Time passes by rather quickly, but not quickly enough for her to reach home to see her kids.

Cleaning up her working area, she had notice work will be over soon enough. Has she brought the last piece of paper work to her boss, she said her goodbyes to everyone. But what she did not know is, her goodbye meant see you in another world some day. She did not know that today would be her last.

She never thought today would've been the last day she saw her four years old twin boys, her babies. She never thought telling them Later, meant goodbye.

Leaving her work compound she stepped outside stopping a taxi. She was anxious to reach home to her kids. She had left them with her mom, each day she had to go to work, and everyday she would count the hours to reach home to her kids. She love her baby boys a whole lot. Her world was them and she was theirs as well.

The sound of an car trying to stop caught her attention from the taxi she was in, fearing what's about to happened, she did not get the chance to scream as another taxi smash into the taxi she's in. Her body was thrown out from the car like someone throwing something into the dump, no one was given a chance to run to her Aid, as the taxi she was in flipped and came crashing down on her body.

She was crush beyond saving, screams were being heard from people stopping the cars, running towards the accident to see if anyone had lived, but what they saw was pure horror.

Families back home had been contacted only to be told, she did not make it. Her mom fell to the ground crying out in pain and horror. Has the news travelled to each family members, everyone had broke down. Dreadful tears filled the air.

Not only was she a mother of two young child, but she was also a family woman. Everyone loves her. She kept the family smiling, happy, and productive.

Days after the accident and the pain everyone was feeling for their lost has increase, has her baby boys keep asking for their mommy. The family was traumatised by her death. Her mom ended up in the hospital, she stopped eating, she could not sleep. The death of her daughter has weight her down. She didn't lived to see her babies birthday, She died a week before her kids fifth birthday.

Up until now, pain is all everyone feels........
© Tenisha Sterling