

Life's automatic breaks
When will you realize the importance of slowing down your life? Even in the worst-case scenarios, there is something to be thankful for. Think about it and write a tale about such.

The popular song that i heard in my young days i want to recollect now,
Danger 15 to 20
Soldier 20 to 30
Hunter 30 to 40
40 meet begger
50 mail puncture
Age number scales up passing every year,
the growth and strength of bones is predicted to be 20 and 30years, nothing is still in this life ,even the planet earth is revolving fast than its old speed.
the given life comes with high and lows as that of the hill, it is necessary to be so to call it a unique and life of your own.

To slow down your life you must take steps slow, cautiously you must act taking care of your bones. think twice before you speak up so your heart doesn't quickly gets old and it doesn't get a huge blow, you must stop roving the eyes and be content with your hallmark prize that is living at your home.pass on the drive of running running running to others and keep checking the BP and glucose everytime you frown or if you lose your crown.