

Knowing a stranger (part 4)
I was almost to leave there before I could notice a handsome face on my left away to the other side of the library.
''Goodness ,did I just spill something that might've hurt him?''
I began to think like this.Three full boxes of comics!
'how I'm supposed to get out of here with these .I 've to call a taxi but before that I 've to get these out of library.
He was signing the register having two books in his hands.'oh just two books?I'm having more than you'.I thought.
He was coming in my direction.There were no one else except me ,him and the librarian. Cuz this isn't holiday to roam around and everyone have a lot to study.I felt like he was glancing at me.
I sighed.Finally I broke the silence.
''Excuse me''.he looked directly into my eyes.Shit!why is he acting like this now?Few minutes ago he was a completely silent fellow looked so innocent.
''u hm...I -I'm sorry if you felt like I was rude to you...uh..can you help me for a while?
Our librarian was superb busy with registers so if I ask anything she will busrt out for sure.
He was upto walk a way '
''I'm sorry..plz.. just for this time...
There was no one else so I 've to shout out for one last time.I was almost mad and was going crazy all over.
''oh come on ..why are you acting like this ? did your parent teach you to-''

''who are you to judge my parents ? you're nothing and dont eare to utter a word about them ''

' oh my !again showing another face.what is he really!