

My Pitiful Sister
Pitiful, she's so weak I say before letting back a disgusted glare while walking away. She tightly continues gasping onto my leg while I struggle trying to leave, you're so useless why don't you do me and your sisters the favor of killing yourself already. I hate her, she won't go, why do you even exist! She still won't say anything the father says looking at the battered child. The feeling of hopelessness and regret filling her heart as she lies in shame being beaten for several weeks at a time, two weeks later she nearly dies from being starved to death but manages to survive eating dirt and the debris on the walls of her room. This room was so pretty as if a princess had been in it until her brother committed suicide, her parents blamed her for it so I did too for awhile we gouged out her eyeballs and cut her tongue off so she couldn't speak, but why, why is she still smiling that question I always wondered until I found my answer as I opened the door to the house being plastered in intestines and eyes. My body can't move. I'm frozen in fear, daddy help me I scream out in terror. Suddenly my sister who's eyes that were missing walked into the main room of the house covered in a red hue, it looked like blood, it couldn't be because she's dead. How is she alive! I scream and beg for mercy as she walks towards me with that same smile she had before she bled out two weeks ago. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain go through my eyes. I lose my vision rapidly as I scream I hear her raspy sadistic voice laugh out as she continues carving into my body. I pleaded for her to stop as I realized she already had stopped as I lay visionless in a pool of blood just as my parents did. I'm sorry I tried to say but I couldn't hear my own words or screams anymore. Two hours of this tormenting went on as I sat in a void until I finally bled out as I saw a light and a vision of what my family could have been until it shattered into pieces before I took my leave. Im sorry

© Chrstna