

God's Vengeance
In the realm where justice meets the divine,
A force arises, relentless and sublime,
God's vengeance, fierce and resolute,
Unleashing justice, absolute.

With thunderous might and righteous ire,
God's vengeance burns with a holy fire,
In a world where darkness taints the soul,
His wrath consumes, making evil toll.

For every act of wickedness and hate,
God's vengeance stands, ready to abate,
He strikes with power, swift and just,
In defense of the oppressed, in whom He trusts.

No evil deed or unjust act goes unseen,
His hand of vengeance wipes the slate clean,
He upholds the scales of balance true,
Bringing retribution for all that is due.

But amidst the flames of righteous wrath,
God's love endures, lighting the path,
For though His vengeance may bring fear,
It springs from a love that is crystal-clear.

His love compels Him to protect and defend,
To bring justice's fervor, never to pretend,
For in His mercy, He seeks to restore,
A world broken and wounded, to be whole once more.

So let us not fear God's vengeance's might,
But seek His love in the darkest night,
For in His justice, we find release,
A promise of redemption, and eternal peace.

With passion and fervor, let us declare,
God's vengeance, a testament to His care,
In His love, we find solace and strength,
Guiding us through life's battles, at length.

For God's vengeance, though fierce and fierce,
Springs from a love that is truly sincere,
A love that burns, passionate and bold,
In every story, in every tale!
© Alpha Creatives