

A letter to myself.
I don't wanna sound formal. So I am gonna get straight to the point. First of all, please be through being a clumsy, inattentive, careless fucking dude. This world doesn't need an absent minded being. And secondly don't being overly emotional. You have now a days gotten into the habit of pondering over things that you have done five or six years ago. Kid, I am saying , that is utterly a useless thing. Giving thought to your past actions ain't gonna change nothing. You might have made wrong decisions. You might have hurt your own feelings. You might have hurt your parents. But those things are past. Girl what do you think? this ain't a sci fi movie.You can't go back to the past and amend things.
Remember each mistake you have made , each decision you have taken, played an important part in shaping you into a somewhat thoughtful person.
And if a decision of yours becomes a failure, that doesn't mean you are terrible at decision making. Good thoughts can happen in bad times. I know your life is not going the way you have planned. And you always feel defeated. And you have started feeling hopeless. That is why I am writing this.
I am not saying that you should always stay positive. Infact no one could ever remain positive all day. You can be negative and pessimistic. But don't let those dark thoughts take over your light soul. Try to make your thoughts less catastrophic. Instead of asking others who you want to be, ask yourself what you want to be. Ask yourself if you are happy. Fill your heart with good thoughts and feed your soul with fond memories . No need to stay on the negatives all day. If a door closes , another door will open. Don't be on the run to please everyone. Your life is yours. But remember not to hurt anyone knowingly.
There comes days when no one can understand you, no one can help you , no one can lead you, yet don't lose your hope. Always believe in miracles no matter how it will turn out. Instead of making others happy , teach yourself how to be happy first.
Getting good marks or cracking entrances never make a person perfect. Yeah it helps you get the respects and honours of your uncles , aunties, neighbours and aliens . But those things are short term.
The world is getting too competitive. So are the people. The only concerns they have is how to be succeeded, how to be ahead of others in terms of success, money , job, academic etc. There may come a day when people stop caring for others, when people stop loving each other. At that time it must be on you to protect yourself from being one of them.
Don't let heartless beings and things influence you. Remember to help those in needs. There may come a day where you might run out of money, love, beliefs everything you hold on to . Instead of blaming yourself for why you are born or why you are still alive, please believe that this too shall pass. I know people hardly fill themselves with hopes in worse times. But if you do, you can change yourself as well as your outlooks. Then only will you be able to help others see the positives in everything.
Indeed in the end it is only you and your shadow.