

The signs to Magical destiny (chapter 1-The beggining)
24th of December,In cold weather,sky covered with greyish clouds,Roads covered with fog all over, even it's too tough to see nearer 1 meter,drizzling since morning already,Rasselon Dilane Went outside without the permission of Mrs. Alicena Giacon who's the main headmistress of school hostel's. As Rasselon is oprhane,he lost his mom and dad when he was 5 years old.He didn't know the actual reason for the death of his mom and dad.Actually today,Rasselon forget something at his uncle Mr. wilander Dilane,who is a rude and strict person.He doesn't want Rasselon to live with him at his home so he putted him in a hostel.But, Rasselon aunt is a kind and sweet hearted lady, who take care of Rasselon like his own son.He doesn't want Rasselon to live in the hostel but Bcuz of her husband Mr.Wilander she doesn't says him anything. The clock strikes nearly 7:30 PM Rasselon ran to his Uncle house as he forgot his exam results there only. He went yesterday to his house to show him his result but,bcuz of his rude behaviour Rasselon didn't show him up.He got scared as he scores lowest in class this session.On the way to his mansion,In the marlin street he saw two persons wearing black dresses with a strange danger like sign's with a number 1827 magic world written on it killed a young man seems as an innocent bystander in simple clothes.He got scared and hides behind one of the pole on street. After they both left from there,he noticed a big building with a red light flashing at the top of building where, The building name'THE SCOTLER TRAINING OF MAGIC' is written and at the bottom a strange mysterious symbol just like the symbol at the dresser of both men's.But,this symbol depict's something different. On the symbol, 1656 world and in small letters WAY TO MAGIC is written.The building seems to be very old without any structural design,it's just like a hunted building especially bcuz of those mysterious signs. Rassolon got very scared after this incident and decided went back to hostel.But, At the moment, he thinks to go back bcuz of Fog the visibility became zero and Raseelon slipped near the body of that young man.He got too scared when he saw the same symbol tattooed at the right arm of the man.On it's symbol it's written 1656 Magic world and way to magic.Also, on his left hand it's written the letter mission to find R.D.Also, he found a single piece of paper stuck on the belt of that mysterious dead men.He picked the paper and put it in his pocket.Being too afraid he is not in position to read the paper.Rasselon find it too strange and left the place.He came back to the hostel quietly and thoughts about this accident starting fighting in his mind only.
to be continue..................
© Jasni ahuja