

Come to Him as you are
You go to church only to hear an inspiring seromony.
A seromony that just touches you.
A seromony about how God blesses the humble, the kind and the faithful
and you are moved to 'be' that humble, kind and faithful servant.

But you're not 'that' servant
instead you're mean, cruel and immoral
that fire you had for changing your ways disappears.
It disappears because you think Jesus won't accept you
He won't bless you
nor use you, you tell yourself.

You continue your sinful ways...

Again that feeling comes, but the same thing happens
you feel clean for one minute then go back to your filth.
Again and again this happens.

Until you learn the extistance of the word 'Repentance' and what it means.
You go to church once more
you can hear the whispers of the Holy Spirit echoing 'Repent... repent'
The seromony's over.
You feel the flames of God in your heart... you want to repent, you want your sins to be forgiven.
Looking back you remember you're at church
rushing inside you see the priest
you ask him for a 'Confession'...

There, at that that moment you're about to expose your wrongs and faults, your embarrassed and in guilt.
The priest tells you the prayers you must say...
After a few minutes you exit the building you feel free, you feel light like your soul has been renewed.
Then you go praising the Lord, thanking him for forgiving your sins. You are no longer dead, BUT ALIVE

Already you start living for the LORD and how glad HE is with you, Heaven having a celebration in your salvation, you are found and saved!

Only to discover that the next you would die, only to realise you're going to Heaven.
Bless the LORD for letting you repent, to be saved and to be given the gift of eternal salvation.

"Don't postpone repenting, tomorrow isn't promised to anybody.
Don't think you only need to come to Christ when you are pure and sinless,
come to him as you are with your faults and He will change you in the most miraculous ways"

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