

Unburdening My Soul
Dear Ex,

I'm still hurting from the way you treated me. I thought we had something special, but you broke my heart into a million pieces. Your lies and indifference made me feel like I meant nothing to you. You used me for your own purposes and then discarded me.

It's taken me a long time to come to terms with what you did. I suffered in silence, feeling unworthy, unloved, and unwanted. I was trapped in a cycle of pain, trying to make sense of your actions, and wondering what I did wrong.

The pain was so overwhelming that it led me to a dark place. I struggled with suicidal thoughts, feeling like I had no reason to keep going. The thought of living without you, and the pain you caused, seemed like too much to bear.

But I fought hard to resist those thoughts, alone and in the darkness. I had no one to turn to, no support to lean on. I was completely alone in my battle.

You once gave me false hope and fake promises. You promised to be there for me, to love and support me, but it was all a lie. Your words were empty, and your actions were cruel. I believed in you, and you shattered my trust.

But I'm forgiving you, not for your sake, but for mine. I deserve peace and to let go of the anger and resentment.

Today, on our anniversary, I thought maybe you'd reach out and remember the memories we shared. But, just like always, I heard nothing from you. No text, no call, no message. Just silence.

And in that silence, I found the strength to finally let go.

I hope you'll realize the pain you caused and learn to love and respect yourself and others. But don't give anyone else false hope and fake promises like you gave me. Be honest and true to your words.

May you be happy with your new comfort zone.
