

Shop addict
Yes, it is worse than a shopaholic. It's a addiction to shopping as a shopaholic is a like being alcoholic to shopping. It is hard to stop. Once you start it could be impulsa buying it could be because it makes you happy. It may be a mental illness. You might need to get a support group to help you stop because once you start you won't stop until you drop It could be something you can't control. Maybe you're filling that empty void maybe feeling or fix expensive things that you can't afford just to make it feel like you have something nice that makes she feel good about yourself. It could be a addiction to shopping for anything and everything there's probably a lot of people who can relate. It's not always our fault because of inflation. We're prices are too high on iams that don't need to be that price for real people be making anything and everything now just to get something in their pocket. It could be a stupid invention that's really unpractical and useless to us. But yet people be making a lot of money off of that stupid idea. But it is really fun to go shopping for us at least girls because it's a girl thing and we're living a material world as Madonna said once and she also said that we are a material girl. Some girls don't want material, it just depends on the person. Some girls may not be high maintenance and not all girls who like money are gold diggers. It's just a simple fact that if you have it you can buy it. It's hard to let pass up on you if it's limited edition, but in the fashion and style industry it seems like everything is limited edition, so you might want to grab it while you can. Otherwise, you may never find it again and that can be sad but being shopaholic and shop addict is a bad and good thing you get. Sometimes things you actually need butter time too much. Just get things you don't actually need. It's really just the want Man. You don't have it. You're really going to want it anyways so it's hard not to buy it and this is the life of a shop addict.