

*Hoes ain't loyal bro* by a fuckboy
You know, Overthinking sucks.Some nights,when I m all alone,stucked in these twisted scenarios,I think of all those names which were given to me by some of y'all,about how that boy just called me a *hoe (he don't even know me),or how *character'less I am,or how extra *cool I'm trying to look,I am a *crybaby,I am too *sensitive,I am too *rude.But , you know what's worse? They don't even stop there,they even gave me those horrible curses that,u'll never be happy,u'll end up alone,u'll fuck up urself,you came in between their Friendship,you're a slut,& some of them ,I can't even write them.
It's just, sometimes tough for me to accept all this.
Yes I know people will talk shit about u,will do backbitching n all but isn't this much hate a lot for me?This things were said not just by those random guys,but also by those,who were once so close to me.They knew me,but still they said all this anyhow,by giving excuses of love.Don't call it love if there is no respect,if there is only hate and anger.Don't call ur frustation Love..
Some days, I try to be more positive,more strong by saying, I don't care at all ,but deep down I know that these things,those "names" gonna haunt me for a long time.Sometimes I try to hide my vulnerability but I just can't,becoz this really hurts when those,who don't even know anything were saying stuffs like this.
Pls think before you speak,you have no idea how much all this effects someone.Nowadays,there are topics of mental health all over the social media,but look at you,think about all those things u said or write just for fun or to look cool.Please Don't !!!

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