

How you light up my world
The old woman was near death. I could hear her try to draw in painful gasps of breath. I felt helpless as a doctor in this remote part of the world. Was there nothing I could do?
Her skin's colour was pale. She was breathing heavily, I was afraid, shocked, sad, I couldn't do anything to save her or at least to less her pain. She looked at me, she looked at me with her big, eyes full of pain, she was trying to tell me something, she was trying to whisper some words but I couldn't understand her. Her chest was fighting, heavy breaths,quick breaths, frightening breaths, her soul was fighting to come out of her body to let it rest, suddenly I heard her voice such a peaceful voice for someone who was fighting with death itself. She managed to talk, and when she did it, automatically she gave at my life purpose; " Neither death can win a fulfilled life, Just LIVE " They were her last words, full of meaning , full of inspiration as her , now I could confirm it . You know, this woman who was on her deathbed fighting with the inevitable, was willing to spend her last words at me. at me. Until her last breath she had chose life . She never had an easy life as I learned then, she had learn to work hard , her childhood was full of difficulties ; no food , no money , no education, but these absences created the courage , the faith, the braveness, the hope, the acceptance, the patience, the thirst of life . She had work so hard , and with her own way she had learn to live her life to the fullest . Death wasn't something she was afraid of. She was "afraid of not living" as she was used to tell according to her family. I was happy to met her , sad that the circumstances didn't brought me earlier to her . She made me see that always will be a little light even if seems that the darkness is everywhere, but even if there isn't you can create it always. So thank you, madam for your words I will carry them like a heavy-price necklace made by kindness, wiseness , hope, love, and care . I hope you fly high with your enormous wings , smiling down on us .•~

© mairakay