

Who do you think you are?
'My dear child,
I know you had your doubts about your birth. I couldn't tell you while I was alive so I left you this letter. Your real parents live in...'
I stared at the unfinished letter in shock. How was I supposed to find my true identity? I could take a DNA test, that might give me a clue to who my parents were? But that cost money I don't have. I then remembered there were old photo albums in the back of the cupboard. I went to retrieve them. Flicking through them I noticed for the first time that all the pictures were just of me! No other adults. How strange! So, I looked at what was in the background of the photos to give me a clue of where they were taken. That's when I spotted the flag of Romania. Blue, Yellow and Red vertical stripes. The same as on my passport. Why I never seen this before is beyond me. I fetched my passport out of my drawer and looking at my name, a cold shiver ran down my back. My surname Alucard. I immediately wanted to take it to a mirror. Then remembered my parents didn't like mirrors in the house. So, with a pen and piece of paper I wrote my surname backwards. It spelt DRACULA. My parents were vampires! I'm a vampire!
© Alice White