

Who's she? (part 6)
He remembers many years before.

The little boy is looking at the stars in the sky while riding at his bicycle... He starts to count while saying, "20, 21, ...27 Wow here are so many more stars.."

He starts to get them closed. It revealing like the shining eyes of the pack of wolves.

He sits back on his cycle while turning it so fast ran from there. He while riding after time looks back the pack of wolves is still behind him. He didn't notice and his cycle hits by a stone there so he falls in to the bushes aside.

He stands up fast and tries to stand his cycle but the tyre get stuck in the bushes.

At the same time, the breath of someone feels at his neck. He with the lot of shivering in his hand turns around. The wolf is standing very close him. He shivers badly. Wolf...