

ghost in my locker

Jesse had always thought his locker at Adams school was a bit creepy. It was old and rusty, and it was always hard to open. But he never expected to find a ghost inside it.

One day, when he and his friend Nate were getting their books out of their lockers, Jesse heard a strange noise coming from his own locker. It sounded like someone was crying.

"Hey, Nate, do you hear that?" Jesse whispered.

Nate listened carefully. "Yeah, it sounds like someone's crying. Maybe it's a ghost!"

Jesse laughed nervously. "Don't be ridiculous, ghosts aren't real."

But just then, the locker door swung open by itself, and a ghostly figure appeared before them. It was a young girl, with long, tangled hair and a pale, sad face.

The boys were frozen with fear, but the ghost didn't seem to notice them. She just floated there, crying softly.

Jesse and Nate knew they had to help her. They spent the next few days researching the history of Adams Elementary, and they learned that the ghost was the spirit of a student who had died in a fire many years ago.

Armed with this knowledge, the boys set out to help the ghost find peace. They visited the school library, looking for books on ghosts and hauntings. They even talked to the school janitor, who had worked at Adams Elementary for decades and knew all the school's secrets.

In the end, they discovered that the ghost was looking for her old diary, which she had left in her locker before she died. With the help of the janitor, they found the diary and returned it to the ghost.

The ghost thanked them and disappeared, leaving Jesse and Nate feeling proud of themselves for helping her find peace. From that day on, Jesse's locker didn't seem so creepy anymore. In fact, he felt like he had a new friend watching over him.

© c.wright