


He was just a kid, so innocent, so graceful. With eyes so blue exuding peace. He was only 12years old, he knew nothing, no sin whatsoever, such an obedient and respectful being. Yet, I still can't bring myself to the realization the he is dead, he lies 6ft below, underneath the surface of the earth. How can this be? Its as if my whole life has crumbled and I don't have a thing to live for anymore. Harry was everything to me, my joy in pain, he sure knew how to make me smile with his little funny ways. Why? Heaven, why did you take him away from me?
Help me mum!
Same dream every night. I still see him in my sleep begging to be free, begging me to help him. How can this be?
I had closed early from work that evening, my car developed a fault two days ago and I haven't been able to take it for repairs. My boss had offered to give me a ride home, but I turned him down. I wanted to take a stroll home. Trying to let go of the creepy thoughts that Harry could still be alive. Its been 6months since I lost him to that fatal accident, there was an explosion in his school's laboratory and he just happened to be there at the time. He was burnt beyond recognition.
Walking down the road to my house which wasn't far, I felt someone, a presence, around me. It was as if someone was following me. I walked on, but about faster, still I felt the presence come on stronger and when I tried to run, he appeared.
Harry stood in front of me with blood all over his body. I froze at the sight, I never believed in Ghosts, but here is an evidence that ghosts are real. He stood there looking into my eyes, with his mouth moving, but no sound is heard.
I started crying and calling his name. He just smiled and finally spoke so I could hear.
"I'm sorry mummy, please forget about me. I'm gone forever. Bye"
Still feeling frozen, I sat on a bench replaying the event that just took place and I just smiled with the realization that Harry is dead and he isn't happy seeing me u happy.
© cindy's Notes