

The Forbidden Land
In mid 90's.  A catastrophe hit a small clan in my home town, and left  umpteen souls beneath the earth.
Although, I wasn't told the exact casualties by  granny, but it was a great shock that  shattered the whole community's as mourning lasted for days.
Few weeks later, the oziri river became bloody. As the spirit of the dead could be seen by elders.
But each night fall, a cry of a baby could be heard and the sound of souls working and talking aloud  from the forbidden forest.
As i listened attentively.
I could see from the ancestral heritage the entire event that boomeranged. the aftermath that left the clan deserted till this day.

Ogadiriki na ma,
As my late granny fondly whispered each time  he felt the urged for two communication.

I have something to tell you which I never alter to your father the only son after the fall of Biafran.
Open your ears to the ANCESTORS and you will understand the language of the spirits.
There lies a tree of life along the path that led to the market square.
At the closure of the night gate,
It moves around and watches over each community's and few men had been privileged to ever seen it but never leave to tell the full story  thereoff.
As he adjusted his seat made with old fashion wood and cough for few seconds looking towards a deformed wasted land.
He then turned suddenly towards me and held my hand as he spat on it.

Refusing to speak a word as tears  roll down at a slow pace from both eyes.
At this point, I had begone to loose  my calmness.waiting for him to speak a word or better still request I did retired to bed  as the atmosphere took a new dimension.
A wise man fills his brain before emptying his mouth and  ”He who does not know one thing knows another”.
 Then  audibly he said,
I knew the thought of thou mind Nna
Your mind is hovering and unstable but as I kept to oneself and speaketh not.i could see ahead of the old path and men who cluster a round the tree of life.
But your spirit where  unstable like the ancient kingdom of Asa.
And I had to come back for thee.
With these word I became more frightened.

Do you know why  songs are necessary at  nightfall?

And why the night is more wiser and sensitive than the day.

There is river that gave birth to seven kids and each became great.as time went by the old river that  gave birth to this great seven offspring dried up and land became desolate for years.

Nor could anyone ascertain the cause why she left the land.
And after that,
This great catastrophe occurred.
To be continued.
© henralex1431