

Geeked up!💔
I got a heart. It Has been hurt,sore,and damaged. that's just off my head. it's been torn, warned, and mournin'. they say our hearts have strings, I don't know how to tie mine. how to slide parts of me thru them holes,without getting frustrated to the point, it hurts. I know I want it in. I can see it going through. ' Let me hold it like this, then pass it thru thus way. I got it.' what happened? I got ! why didn't it go in?!? Let me bite it,so it can fit. that didn't work. now its flat, let me nibble this side till it rounds out. its wet ! why did I think that would work?. ugh . slippery, beading sweat, tips flinched. steady, steady, keep the focus. Ring finger pulsing. adrenaline pure from my heart. I'm hype !I'm ready! Damn! why it ain't go in!??! ugaaaaah! wtf!
pick it up! you sure you wanna rock this? well, in it? roll with it!! naw I'm serious. grind against different terrain. familiar, unfamiliar, brand new.? Igneous,? Hydrothemric? go for Sedimentary. fuck any and everything ,that would make kinetics, not matter? should you fill this void? Gas,liq-uids,? mix mixtures? spontaneously, combust? Freeze it? make it ,slip while in grips?! cold!!?! " hold out on that normal form, that real,drip." Don't worry! R×T=D;
(R=work put in) (T=time put in) (D= long we want it).
I've failed,before〽️⏺. I risen again🔼. I've skipped beats.⏭ repeat🔂. hard to delete. ⏏ hold⏸. still⏯. going▶️. 🎦end⏹!

© More, Daa