

Mr Book and Mr Pen
" The book can't do without the Pen. Do you know why?
The book needs the pen to be relevant, while the pen needs the book to remain functional"........

Mr Book and Mr Pen were very good friends, they did everything together and loved each other so much. Mr book always made himself available whenever Mr Pen wants to express his thoughts, this made Mr book to be loved by all.

One day, Mr Book and Mr Pen had a serious argument which caused a strain in their relationship. Both refused to talk to eachother as they waited for whom to apologise first.
This lingered for a while! as
their unending fight made the world stagnant .people became less inspired as Mr pen refused to release his thoughts on Mr book as he usually does. All efforts to make these jolly friends reconcile proved abortive.
After a while,the world received a new turn as Mr Phone came into the scene. He brought nice opinions and strategies on how the world could move forward. the world bought his ideas and became his loyal follower. Mr Phone became the talk of the town and the world no longer cared about Mr Book and Mr Pen.

Mr Eraser ,a close friend of Mr Pen & Mr Book visited his friends and told them of the new trend in the world, he advised that they settled their differences and work together else they will go into extinction. They agreed to settle their differences, but it was too late. Mr Phone had already taken over the world.

Mr Book and Mr Pen continued with their relationship . they still won the heart of the world because their services was still needed in the world but they have an enemy to contend with, Mr Phone........

The End.

what lesson can you learn from this?

© Haddy world