

Life of Cross-dresser

I Am crossdresser, a man who likes to wear woman’s clothes and that is true but it is more then that. My personality is softer, gentler, more caring then what I would say the average male is. I like pretty things and colors, I like to look pretty and smell pretty and I am more comfortable in what most would call the feminine role. I can get teary eyed in sad or emotional movies and I like to watch them, I like the long hair, jewelry, clothes and yes, the makeup and nails. Now some people get this confused with sexual preference and those are two are completely different things and all I will say on that is how I present is mostly also what I am attracted to. I am not at all attracted to men. For me when I see a woman the first thing, I notice are their nails and makeup. If they have jhumkhas and makeup especially red lipstick, they are beautiful and nothing else matters, size, shape, age or nationality. Part of my dressing is to create what I find attractive, yes sarees and dresses, heels and long hair are also a plus.

To be continued..

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