

HE LEFT YOU (fanfic)
Lead: Y/n (your name )
Lead: Min yoongi (BTS member)
Second lead: Jung hoseok (BTS member)
This is a fan fiction an imaginative story. Don't take it seriously. All the events happened in this imagine are not true.

--6 months ago--

"Yoongi please.. why are you doing this? I love you please don't leave me.. "y/n cried begging to yoongi to not leave her.

"Y/n don't act childish please... I've fallen out of love with you. I can't do anything. Living  together won't let my feelings come   back.  Please I'm sorry but I have to go now" yoongi said as he picked his suitcase and left y/n crying on the floor.

--6 months later--

Y/n pov

I was walking by the park. The weather was beautiful today.  It was a big day for me. Today was my wedding with someone who took care of me in all my good and bad times. He never left my side and supported me. Our parents fixed our marriage.

I didn't wanted things this way. But who would listen to me, no one has ever did and no one will ever do.

I reached my home where my mom yelled at me for not being in my room getting ready for my big day.

I put on that beautiful dress and looked myself in the mirror.  I was looking perfect from outside but only I knew what I was feeling from inside. Things would be totally different if that person wouldn't left me 2 years ago. He didn't just left that day but he also took away all the happiness from this heart. 

I cried looking in the mirror as the beautiful memories of past terrify me today to start a new future. "What was my mistake? Why was I not enough?  Why did he fell out of love after making me fall so hard for him? Why?"  I never got the answers of all these why's.

I wiped my tears and put on the fake smile on my face. I walked down the aisle  with flowers in my hand and looked at the man whom I was getting married to. He was looking handsome but not as handsome as him. I looked down and the marriage procedure started. 

"Mr. Jung hoseok,  will you take y/n y/l/n as your lawfully wedded wife? " "I do" he said while smiling at me.

"Miss y/n y/l/n , will you take Jung hoseok as your lawfully wedded husband? "
I took a big pause. My past was stopping me when jhope's phone ringed. He looked at the I'd and quickly picked up. He looked at me in shock.

--Time skip ---

We reached the hospital and he ran to counter.

Jin, namjoon, jimin, jungkook, Tae everyone was there. "Guys where is he? What happened?  why didn't anyone tell me that?"

"Y/n first you have to relax.. please listen to us. He took promise from  us that we won't tell you that he had cancer" jhope told me

"You knew but that?"I asked him in disbelief

"I'm sorry.  I promised him that I will not tell you. He's so  going in the operation theater you can talk to him now" he said signaling me to room.

I entered in the room. He was laying on the bed. His body was looking so fragile  and weak. I couldn't hold my tears and they fell.
"Y/n?"he asked in a weak low voice which broke my heart.
I slowly  walk towards his bed and sat beside him.

"Yoongi.."I said lowly placing my hand on his cheek.

"You're looking beautiful princess "he said smiling weakly at me.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you hide?"I asked him as tears were falling through my face.

"Y/n I'm sorry.  I couldn't keep my promise. I promised you the I'll never leave you but I left. 1 month before that day I fainted in office. They took me to hospital.  Doctor gave me some bad hints and I didn't wanted to worry you so I hide it. I took some tests and showed my reports to doctors. They diagnosed that I have cancer and the chances for my survival were barely possible.  I tried.  I went here and there but got the same answers. I was becoming weak. I couldn't tell you.. so I thought that if you hate me it would be easy for you to move on.. I left you. I gave jhope the responsibility that he will never leave you alone.. no matter what " he said and I just couldn't help but cry more.

"Please don't make me regret to call you today by crying.  Today when I saw death soon near I couldn't hold myself from seeing you one last time so I called jhope" he said and I hugged him tightly and felt his tears on my neck.

"Yoongi.. jhope was getting married to me just because of you. It was wrong. Now I won't marry him and gave him this punishment. " I said

"Wait.. you guys didn't marry?"he asked

"No and now we wont" I replied

"Y/n don't do that.. don't cancel this wedding. He loves you"he said "what?" I asked him shocked

"You remember that day.. when we all went to trip and you find a letter of confession.. and in its end your secret admirer was written... you thought that I wrote that letter but jhope wrote that letter for you.. he loved you since he first met you. When you hugged me and confessed your feelings, I also did cuz I liked you as well. He saw us happy and he backed away when, I got to knew about that letter by you. I recognized his handwriting and talked to him and he agreed everything but then he said that he didn't felt that way anymore. " yoongi continued and I just listened to every thing in shock.

"When I tell him about my cancer. He was ready to tell you everything but I took the promise from him. I knew that still loved you and i knew after me no one could make your life as beautiful as jhope will.. he love you so much.. don't leave him" he said smiling at me as a tear left his eye.

"I will always remember you yoongi. " I said as I hugged him.

---2 years later---

"Happy anniversary my love" jhope said as he back hugged me.

"Happy anniversary "I replied looking to the stars.

"Don't worry yoongi will also be happy " he said looking at them

I turned around and looked at him.

"Some memories are so beautiful yet so painful.. "I said as he kissed my forehead and we hugged each other.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°THE END°°°°°°°°°°°°°
I'm not a professional writer but I have been writing fanfictions for the last 3 years. Hope you guys like this one. Please ignore any mistakes or errors. 💜
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