

This is Why I Write
Some people write for fame others for work or maybe for the money. Some for the passion, some just for the fun of it but I write for a different reason. I write to make a difference, a change and I'm sure most of you here do to because we believe that our words have meaning. Words have power and influence, they carve and shape the worlds imagination and creativity and to me that's a power. You don't need money or riches or anything of the sort to be a source of influence on a person by just using something as simple as your voice you can completely change a person's mindset. In schools across the world they teach us how to form sentences out of words so imagine if words can be used in so many ways to help positively affect someone's mindset then how much worse does a negative word have power over someones life. My mother used to tell me "A word is like a shattered glass, once it is thrown there's no going back. All how you replace the window the glass had already been broken" imagine a human being as the glass and the words spoken were so powerful that it made them break. Not even the strongest glass can survive a stone at the right speed just think of a human going under that much pressure. This is why I admire people who took the time to read this they care about how their actions influence others and that is a difference that matters so I want to keep on encouraging people today.
Thank you for your time

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