

Lock of a Heart ❤ \Chap: 11//
I CAN'T WAIT TILL HOME COMING AHHHH!!! This is probably going to be the best day ever! It was finally the day of Home Coming and I was scared and excited. What if things go down..? I don't want to down myself so i'll ignore it. The dress i got is beautiful! Oh I completely forgot Col stayed another night. And it was okay... I guess... Literally all we did was talk about the dance. I went to go check if Col was awake and he wasn't. I walked in and shook him. "Wake up sleepy head it's Home Coming day!!!" I yelled with a laugh. "Ehh.. What... OH CRAP I FORGOT." Col screamed as he instantly got out of bed. This day will hopefully be a good day. "Come on its like 4:00 in the afternoon we over slept haha. We went to go eat breakfast because it passed lunch. "Mhm this is good." Col said. "Yeah, I'm a pretty good cook myself!" I said. It was finally 8:00, And I went to my room to put on my dress. Col went to his car to get his suit. The dress fit perfectly! It was a all black dress and the back showed my back. Its not that modest but it will do. I walked to the front door and I saw Col with the most handsome suit I've ever seen. I opened the door. There Col was holding his hand out waiting for me to take his hand. "Hi i'm so excited!" He shouted. I was kinda scared to be in a crowd of people... But it will be okay because I have Col by my side. "I'm so excited to!" I yelled. We jumped into his car and drove off. It was really silent till we got there. "We are finally here.." Col said. He seemed a little anxious, I hope I won't make him feel embarrassed. We both hopped out of his car and ran to the entrance. It's really hard to run in the dress WHY!!! We finally got there and payed for the the tickets we needed to get in. "You look like a lovely couple have a nice day!" The lady at the front desk said. "Just ignore her!" I thought. "Here just ingore her.." Col said. Can he read my mind or somthing..? We walked in and there was A LOT of people there. The music was good! The discusting popular girls were stuck in the corner dancing alone, winking at every boy who passed, and wereing stripper outfits. "This is nice.. I feel like I haven't been to school in ages but its only been like 2 days." I said. Slow music turned on and it was beautiful. People danced with there boyfriends and girlfriends... And I instantly turned white. "W-would you care for a dance? Col asked. What did he just-.