

Bread Doesn't Talk | 01
Higo thought Urla and Keva had returned to class after having breakfast in the cafeteria with him. So, he decided to smoke for a while in the bathroom in the corner of the school.

The bathroom was named the dirtiest because it was rarely cared for, the grass around the place was soaring, moss and graffiti filled the walls, and there were strange red spots on the floors and walls - rumors were that the red spots were blood.

"It's hot in the morning."

Higo squatted in front of the bathroom door, he was not that brave enough to smoke alone in the bathroom. This place has two bathroom doors, not split, combined for men and women.

While exhaling his cigarette smoke, Higo scrolled the twitter timeline. In this school, Higo's lazy to say his name, students rarely play the Twitter application. But his friends in grade 10 persuaded him to play Twitter, which they said had freedom of opinion.

Higo laughed as he read one of his mutual tweets, then took the time to reply 'dark jokes' to the tweet.

"What are you laughing at?"

The sudden question made Higo throw his iPhone and cigarette in random directions. Higo was shocked when he didn't make a sound, but his behavior and expression made Urla and Keva couldn't help but laugh.


"HAHAHA! Our hugo is really cute if he's surprised. Isn't that right, Va?"

Kava nodded in agreement, "I should have recorded his face when he was shocked."

"You are both really, I begged you not to surprise me anymore. I have a heartache."

"Do you have heart disease?"

"Tch, what kind of friends are you guys who don't know if their friend has a chronic disease that can lead to death."

Keva picks up Hugo's iphone, but for the cigarette, Keva stomps it violently. Urla took off Hugo's two shoes, then made the shoes as a cushion next to Hugo.

Before Urla landed his buttocks, Hugo grabbed the two Air Jordan Obsidian version. "It's good to sit around in my favorite shoes."

"Last time I checked, your favorite shoe is Nike Air Max Plus III."

"I think it is Nike pride version, dunno exactly."

Urla immediately turned to Keva, who had sat in front of Higo, waiting for the two of them to reject words.

"Do you support pride?" Urla doesn't agree about the pride movement which is booming, it feels like something is wrong.

Hey, everyone doesn't have to agree with your opinion about pride. If there are those who disagree, that means you have different opinions. You can't force people to agree and support the movement. We all have different views.

"Tch, I like it because it's colorful and fashionable."

Urla looked at Higo sarcastically, "don't tch me."

"La, Va, both of you don't go to class? I want to smoke again."

"We will go. But, you come with us. Diti and Anika look for you."

Urla and Keva are not in Higo's class, but they are both in the same class. More precisely in 11-A 6. While Higo is in the same class as Diti, Anika, and Amat in 11-A 5.

Hearing the names Diti and Anika made Higo nauseous. The reason is, Diti would scold him for smoking which would make his ears buzz. And Anika who will beat him until Higo is tired of avoiding the girl.

Higo exhaled heavily, "come on."

"Wait, what's with your breath? It's good to know your class with Diti, she teaches you until you're smart."

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a/n : so they was in same class at 10-A 1.

but they ( 15 people) still be friends and they is called A-ONE GANG (A1 GANG) by others in their school.

(apologies for my English, Correct me if i am wrong)

© 2020, seraphine