

Time is not money
Hello everyone,today I am going to tell you my thoughts and views on a never ending topic ,that is 'Time'
In our day to day life we do many things,and when we do these things we always remember that we have only 24 hours a day,from which we sleep, eat,fight,complain and many other works that we do.Suppose if a person sleeps for 9 hours and then brush his or her teeth,take bath then we take our breakfast,if a person takes 15 hours a day for his usual works then he left only with 9 hours,and if a person take rest between his works and uses their mobile phones then they waste another 2 hours,then he left with only 7 hours and that's why people give so much high importance to time that today everyone is saying and thinking that 'Time is money'.But their are many negative consequences of this thinking.To understand this,think about a miser person who spend his money miserly.Well,saving money is good but not spending money when you or someone want that money urgentally is big stupidness.This same happens with time.You seen people saying,'no' to their children just because of time.For example-If you go to your father's room and ask him to take you to a amusement park and your father said,'no' just because he is doing his work and he has lack of time.Then what you will think?Well there are two things that can happen, first is you will think that he is busy that's why he said no or you will think that he doesn't love you,anything can happen.Now,here I am not saying that saving time is not so good or you should waste your time.I am just saying that you should stop treating time like money because time is much more valuable than money.
So,ladies and gentlemen,'Open the fist of your time and let it flow from your essential works'

Thank you!

© Anand Dwivedi