

Write a short story using at least three from the five prompts given:
An empty suitcase full of memories.
The messages added salt to wounds.
The car accelerated before the signal turned green.
A wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on.
A dust free bookcase could hide a lot of lies.

Pam's heart beat faster as she approached the room.
It has been three years. She just could not find the courage to enter the room.
The scent of Aurora filled the room and going there meant more pain than she was already feeling.
Flashes of images ran across her mind.
She stopped walking.
“I think, I am not ready. I should just go back. I just can’t” she said as drop of tears trickled down her eyes.
Bent on overcoming her grief, she knew that was the only way she could.
“No, I am not going to continue like this I must enter her room, I have to" with the last ounce of strength she opened the door.
Her heart skipped several beat and a heavy headache hit her head.
The room smelt slightly different now, although nothing had changed. Pam sat on the floor wept uncontrollably as soon as she saw Aurora's picture on the wall.
The flashes became more intense.
She stood up and opened a wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on. Aurora never had the opportunity to try them on.
Her heart sunk again. She rushed to the bathroom to throw up.
She looked at herself in mirror. Angry she screamed “Aurora did not deserve this, she did not deserve to die. She should still be here. She was just four years old. I should have protected her. I should have been there. I should have taken her to school myself, that school bus driver killed my daughter. Why, why, why?”
She cried for ten minutes and went back to the room.
She opened Aurora's drawer and saw a poem she wrote for her for mother’s day. The messages added salt to wounds.
She remembered that awful day like it was yesterday. The school bus had stopped at a red light
There was a car opposite the school bus with the driver on the phone and suddenly, the car accelerated before the signal turned green and collided with the bus killing everybody. The driver who was on the phone was apparently drunk also but he did not die.
“We are sorry, we lost her" this horrible statement kept resonating like the sound of siren.
She saw Aurora's suitcase under the bed peeping out. She dragged it. With her hand shaking she opened it gradually.
Another memory flashed across her mind. This was the suitcase Aurora loved to play pretend in. She had warned her severely not to enter the suitcase that it was not the best place to hide as she could hurt herself but Aurora loved the suit case. It was painted in pink and dust blue her favourite colour and had a flower pattern all over so she called it her flower field.
She finally opened the suitcase and she cried so loud to see an empty suitcase full of memories. The suitcase though empty contained so many memories that it would take eternity to be able to close the suitcase packed up with sweet and painful memories.
Then she remembered something that made her smile so widely. Her baby was four years but she lived a very good life. Aurora’s loved her mom so much she repeats everything her mom does and says.
“Mommy, remember that a dust free bookcase could hide a lot of lies.” She would always say. she remembered her favourite quote anytime Pam tried to keep anything away from her. Although it was never related to what was happening at that moment but it made her mom laugh so much. This made her happy and always said it when “mommy was about to lie.” She had heard this from her mom while having a conversation with her friend.
Remembering this made Pam laugh out loud. “what a funny, goofy girl.”
She felt a weight lifted off her and she was happy that although her room reminded her so much of her loss, it also reminded her that a part of her daughter will always remain with her forever. Her memories.

This story is dedicated to anyone that lost a loved one. May you always have a reason to remember and smile.