

In the Name of Love
In Greek mythology
Hades, God of the Underworld, was getting lonely.
He saught his eyes throughout the lands.
And immediately fell in love with the beautiful Persephone, while she was picking flowers in Olympus.

He cried to her father, his brother Zeus-King of the Gods
Hades asked him for his daughters hands,
and Zeus unhesitatingly agreed.
One sunny day, while Persephone was dancing in the floral fields;
Hades, with a Chariot, grabbed her and went down to his haunted keep.

Demeter-Goddess of Agriculture quickly noticed that her daughter was gone
And searched frenziedly for help;
When she found out about what had happened
She grew furious, created a great drought
Vowing that the ground would never produce a stalk of wheat unless she returned.

Down in the underworld Hades was kind to her
And showered her with gifts that she prefer
But she missed her mother dearly
He treated her not as a property
But as someone who could become a friend
Eventually Persephone fell in love with him and soon their hearts blend.

A messenger of the Gods named Hermes appeared before Persephone
He told her that her mother had caused the earth to freeze, and that no crops would grow
Mortals were dying and the only thing that would stop her was for her return

Hesitantly, she allowed Hermes to take her to Olympus
She convinced her mother that she was alright
That she loved Hades
And that Hades had been kind to her

Then, Zeus made a decision, since Persephone ate six seeds of pomegranate
-She will spend six months of each year in the Underworld with her husband
And six months tending to the mortal's field with her Mother

Hades and Demeter are not happy with Zeus's preclusion
But that's the decision of the King of the Gods -
Every year Persephone return to the fields
And when the time came Hades would fetch her
And return to her throne in the Underworld

Each time she left Demeter grieved and all crops died
And each time Persephone returned, the earth warmed and became fertile once again

This is how the Greeks explained the earth's seasons
And how a Goddess of life fell in love with the Underworld
Persephone loved her mother and her husband
She did it routinely all in the name of Love.
©2021 laini1205
9th April 2021
Image by Deviantart on Pinterest
Source: Brave New World