

Little Tim Adventures-XXVII
He shouted ‘‘Oh dear! I should have known. Dear boy, I am your Grandpa and you are my grandson Tim and your mother is my daughter Rosey. You look so much alike her. Oh dear I miss Rosey so much!’’ For the very first timeTim spoke up‘‘Wait!! You are my grandpa!!! but I never knew I had one.’’ The old man cried ‘‘Son, your mother’s name is Rosey Katherine David. My name is David.’’ Tim was speechless, he looked at Lucas. Tim said ‘‘What about Lucas?’’ The old man said ‘‘ Let me explain my dear boy. Your mother’s name is Rosey Katherine David, I am her father. We moved away for ten years so we didn’t have any time to visit each other. Your grandma has died three years back. Now Lucas mother, Mrs Tyler Carole Brooke is my sister and his father is Mr Paul George Bilfred. If Mrs Tyler is my sister, I am Lucas uncle. That’s how it works! You both are cousins!’’ Lucas said in astonishment ‘‘Wow! We didn’t know we were cousins, did we?’’ Tim and Lucas were both delighted. Luca asked a question ‘‘Why didn’t our mothers tell us anyway?’’ Uncle David replied ‘‘Mmm..
I don’t know but my guess is that it has been many years that we were living separated so far away and they have got busy too.’’ Tim and Lucas became silent at once. Uncle David asked ‘‘Now boys, tell me what can I do for you ah?’’ Lucas said ‘‘I wanted to show Tim the big park that is behind your house. Please uncle David, can I?’’ Uncle David said with a sigh ‘‘ Lucas! How could I? I have told you about the horrible stories, I couldn’t possibly let you two boys go in there!’’ Lucas said ‘‘ I know but I am not going into the woods. I just wanna show it to him. Please uncle, you can trust me.’’ Uncle David said in a quivering voice ‘‘Amm let me think,Okay.... okay here’s the deal. I will give the keys to you but be back after fifteen minutes. Now don’t get over excited because I am letting poor kittens into a cage of cobras so you should be very very careful. I am going to have a nap. Please don’t go into the woods.’’ Lucas and Tim both said ‘‘You can trust us.’’ and Lucas took hold of Tim’s hand and walked into the kitchen backdoor. It was pitch dark!

To Be Continued...

#mystery #adventure

© Stasla