

Stop! | Dream 4
[ This was my dream, honestly the stranger in the story was really unknown for me, but I saw a guy when I was scrolling in my social media that he looks like him..IDK.

Enjoy Reading! Follow Me : @rm92 ]
- 1284 Words -


Walking to the mall with my friend, Love.
Looking at the time, it was 5:30 PM, we got hungry so we decided to get some food.

Then I felt someone following us, trying to peak behind us, I was mistaken, it was 2 guys.
Love whispered to me saying "The other guy wants to talk to you.." and dissapeared.

Can you believe that? She dissapeared 😗

So I tried to turn around and build my courage up, the guy instantly gave me a silver box and confessed to me.

After that everything passed by quickly.
Neither did I even understand what happened but I know for a fact that I was forced to say "Yes" to the guy...

I was exasperated, I felt like slapping the guy out of anger, too bad for him but I don't really care about him.

He was just a stranger, a person that forced me to be his girlfriend, I don't even know his name, age, or didn't even get to look at his face.

Everything was so fast for me to understand..

× Next Day ×

I'm gonna go and hang out with my friends, Also my mom asked me a favor to do some grocery for her after hanging out.
I agreed, not wanting to have an argument because of my laziness.

I was waiting for my friends, when i also saw the guy with them, my stranger-"boyfriend".

Sucks, none of my friends knew I was forced, it wasn't love, it was pure hatred.