

Sad note to my confidant II
Confidant, what is life? What is life when it offers you assurance this moment and the next moment it takes your hope away?
Fred, what is life when it offers you happiness this moment and the next moment replaces the happiness with sadness? Few days ago I was happy in the full company of my family, but today I'm alone with no one to call family.

Seven able bodied men dug four graves each 6fts deep. After digging, the corpses were brought out and the chief Imam of Kabir Community prayed on the bodies. Isn't it amazing and drastic how my families turned to corpses; ordinary bodies. What a cruel life!

I watched quietly as my families were lowered into their graves which is now their home. And that's the end of the lives of my parents and siblings, that's the end of all the promises they made to me, that's the end of the beautiful hope of future.

Different noises of mourning and weeping filled the air "May Almighty Allah dwell with them in Jannatual Firdaus" Said one of the sympathizers, "What a pity! My benefactor " so I heard from another angle "Oh Allah!, Four people same day" another soul desperately cried "Poor Amina how will she survive? " a strange woman out of the crowd lamented. Such were the noises that filled the air.

I quietly pulled away from the crowd. Grabbed a chair and sat in an almost hidden corner, hot tears ran down my cheeks it all felt like a dream or is it really a dream will someone still walk up to me and wake me up?

Oh! Indeed life has two sides the cruel side of life is the one opened unto me this moment do you think I can still experience it's beautiful side?
I was jolted out of my thoughts by a loud cry" Oh where is my husband? Where is the father of my sons? Who is dead? bring back my husband! "

Fred,who do you think this woman is?