

Zora The Mighty Warrior
This Story is about a Great Warrior who lived centuries ago. A man Who’s bravery and courage was praised by many in different parts of the world. He existed in the Pre- Historical era, a time when legends were not just heard through stories but they actually existed, a time when magical creatures and beasts walked on the earth, a time great sorcerer ( both evil and good ) existed, the most powerful and dangerous sorcerers. This Story depicts the adventures of the brave man who got lost in the pages of History through time, the ancient world called him Zora the Mighty Warrior. So centuries ago somewhere in some part of the world there existed a Kingdom called Alasiana. A Kingdom which was very progressive. A Kingdom where the good once were treated good and the bad once were treated bad, King Alpha ruled the Kingdom and gave his best to keep the people of Alasiana happy but clouds of darkness and terror was soon to knock the doors of Alasiana when an Evil Sorcerer named Kanisa entered the Kingdom with her evil intentions. King Alpha was getting old since he had no son so he was thinking of giving the Kingdom responsibilities to his daughter Princess Tiana. She was the definition of beauty. She was one of the most beautiful woman. But to take responsibilities of kingdom one should be brave and capable of fighting all the odd things that came in the way of the
Kingdom happiness. So King Alpha trained his daughter to be a true warrior in the battle field. So after King Alpha’s death he had no worries as he knew that his daughter will hold all
the responsibilities well. Currently Princess Tiana was out of the kingdom, she along with her friends had gone for a trip to neighbouring Kingdoms. Here the clouds of darkness were about to come in the name of Kanisa the evil sorcerer. She entered the Kingdom. While walking on the streets of Alasiana she caught the attention
of the people. Everyone was going on looking at her but her all focus was on her way to the castle of King Alpha. She was holding a long magic wand in her hand. She entered the castle with a loud voice saying “ Oh King of Alasiana, you and your Kingdom is in danger" King Alpha and everyone in the castle were shocked hearing this. “ what danger you talking about" the King stood up from his Throne and asked in a loud voice. She smiled and tells the King her name and that she is a powerful sorcerer and nothing remains hidden from her. “ so from whom we have danger" the King asked with curiosity. “ from Kingdom Tehara ( Tehara was a Kingdom of people who were like pure evil in human forms. They were cruel towards others. They were like beast who had no mercy on anyone ). “ Oh Tehara, this Kingdom has been enemy of many other kingdoms including ours from generations” the King replied. “yes
you are right and Tehara’s King, King Ferrad and his army is heading towards your Kingdom to have a war and conquer your Kingdom. They are coming here without informing you so
that you and your army does not get any chance to prepare yourself for the war” Kanisa replied. Hearing this, the King and the people in the castle got worried. “ how do you know about all this" the King asked with curiosity. Kanisa replied with a smile “ I am the most powerful sorcerer and nothing stays hidden from me. I am a admirer of your Kingdom and Always known your Kingdom to be very progressive in all aspects and when my powers made me realised that your Kingdom is in
danger, I could not wait to inform you" . Hearing this a Soldier stoop up from his seat his name was Arom ( Arom was a very brave soldier in King Alpha's Kingdom). “Don’t worry My
Lord I will train our army before their army arrives here, we will give our best and gain victory” he said this looking towards the King. “ I have faith on you” the King replied with a Smile of pride and positivity. Ferrad and his army was about to reach there in two days. Till then Arom trained his army the best way possible. And prepared them for the deadly war. So after two days it was the day of the war. Ferrad and his army were about to reach the
borders of Alasiana. King Alpha and his army was ready for the war.so the war began, both the kingdom’s army headed towards each other. The war went on for hours. It was a dark bloody day. Both the army’s fought like they were thirsty for each other’s blood for
generations. Many Soldiers from both the army’s got injured, got killed. But as we all know the truth always wins, Finally King Alpha and his army managed to defeat Ferrad’s Army and
King Alpha killed Ferrad with his own hands and it was a victory for Kingdom Alasiana. The King and the Soldiers were in joy and in mood of celebrations. In night the whole kingdom was busy in celebrating the victory. The king was in a very happy mood and he Thanked Kanisa as because of her they got the victory as it was she who informed the King about Ferrad and his army coming to attack them. “you deserve a big reward, ask me anything and I shall give it to you" said the the King to Kanisa in a loud and Happy voice infront of all the people in the castle. “ are you sure that you will give me what I ask" asked Kanisa to the King with a smile. “ I am a man of my word, ask what you want” said the King. “ in That case I want half of your Kingdom under me, I want to rule half of your kingdom" Kanisa said. Hearing this from her mouth there was a silence in the castle as everyone was shocked, the King face turned red in anger and he got up from his Throne and shouted at her. “ how dare you to ask something like this, if I knew you had such wish then I would have thrown you out of my Kingdom" the King asked in anger. “ no one in the world has guts to throw me out somewhere, I am a master of my own self, you can’t do anything to me and remember you are talking to one of the greatest sorcerer, you still have no idea about my powers and how evil I am" Kanisa replied in loud voice with anger on her face. Hearing this the King got more angry. “ if you had not done favour on my Kingdom then I
would have beheaded your head for talking to me like this but instead i will let you go and never show your face in my kingdom" the King replied in anger.
Kanisa starts walking quietly. Suddenly she stops and turns back towards the King. “I saved you and your Kingdom from such problem and instead of rewarding me you insulted me in front of your people, I will take my vengeance” saying this she lifted up her hand holding her wand. “I curse your Kingdom, the moment I leave from here, the people of your Kingdom will
see the real terror, and trust me you wont be able to do anything. I curse Your Kingdom with a plague which will wipe up the population of your Kingdom” saying this she went away.
There was a silence in the castle for a while. The king was still standing with anger. “ My Lord if you allow me I will go right now and bring her head to you" Arom replied. “ don’t worry, she is gone. Let’s not ruin this evening because of her" the King said. The next day arrived, everything was normal but all of a sudden the people in the Kingdom started getting effected with some unknown disease, all of their Skin started getting rashes, their Skin was
turning red with the rashes n it was hurting them badly, the disease started spreading the Kingdom very fast, Two days passed, most of the people from the Kingdom was suffering with the diseases. Arom got the news to the King and told him that even the wise people in their Kingdom are not able to identify the diseases which is effecting people. The king remembered Kanisa's words and what she had cursed, This brings fear in the kings eyes, days pass the situation becomes even worse, people start dying, the King finds himself helpless as he is not able to do anything for his kingdom. The king goes on the battlement of the castle, his eyes are with tears he has never felt such helpless in life. “ you won I lost, you did what you said, I misunderstood your powers, but please don’t punish my Kingdom, stop this “ he shouted with tears. All of a sudden the sky gets covered with dark clouds. The king and the people all start looking up in the sky with fear, heavy wind starts blowing and all of a sudden a big and huge face of Kanisa appears in the clouds laughing at the King. The king looks at her in fear. “ now you see how powerful and evil I am, I told you not to mess with me but you did, and now see the state of your Kingdom I have turned it into house of dead” Kanisa said. Her voice was so loud that everyone could hear in the Kingdom. “ you are right but please I want you to stop this" the King replied helplessly. “ok I will stop the plague but you have to pay a price for it" she laughs and replies. “ I will do whatever you say to save my people “ the King replied. “ if you want me to stop this then you have to give me a young woman from your Kingdom after every 45 days" she says with evil smile. “What will you do with all these young womans" the King asks in curiosity. “ I will sacrifice them to please my God of darkness, after that he will make me more powerful” She
says with excitement. The king gets angry and rejects the offer. “ if you can’t do this then see your people dying of this plague “ Kanisa replied. The King finds himself so much helpless.
He kneels down there being helpless. Till then Arom comes running towards the King. “ My Lord the people have heard what she said, you have done so much for this Kingdom, the people have told you to except this offer as there is no other option left” Arom says with a sad face. “ what are you saying? How can I sacrifice young woman’s of our kingdom to this evil lady for her evil deeds” the King turns towards Arom and asks him. “ I know but the
people has also agreed for this as there is no option left, they want you to accept the deal otherwise this whole kingdom will die with the plague within days” Arom replied. The king
remains silent for a moment and then turns towards Kanisa with a helpless and angry face. “fine I accept your deal" the King said. “ well done king. Soon Urazo will come to take the first
young woman “ Kanisa replied with smile. “ Who is Urazo" the King asked with curiosity . “he is my loyal servant , the most dangerous, the beast with whom you should not mess with, he will come and take away any random young woman from your Kingdom, don’t interfere in his work or else you will face the most horrifying death from him" Kanisa replied. Saying this
her face from the sky got disappeared.
The dark clouds were still there in the Sky and all of a sudden everyone started hearing a loud cry in the sky, everyone in the Kingdom could hear it but no one could figure out from where it’s coming. The cry was very scary and it felt like a cry of a scary beast or animal. All of a sudden the people and the King started seeing something flying in the sky. It was not a bird but it was a huge beast in the sky having wings. His wings and ears were like a bat and
he had a very scary face . He had 4 legs like a animal, looking at the horrifying beast the people from the Kingdom started running here and there to save their lives. The king and Arom stood straight and were freezed looking at the monster. The monster landed down and carried one young woman with him and again went up in the sky carrying her with him and got vanished somewhere in the sky. After some time the dark clouds went away and it was
back a normal day. Still for the Kingdom it was a day of darkness. Days passed, people started getting normal in their life but there was no happiness on their face as they knew that after every 45 days one beautiful young girl will be sacrificed. Princess Tiana from her trip
arrived back in the Kingdom. She was not aware of whatever has happened in the Kingdom from last few weeks.
She noticed that no one is greeting her and everyone seems lost in their own world. She entered the castle. The moment she entered the castle she saw something which shocked her. She saw that her father is sitting down on the floor in front of the throne. She went running to him and asked why is he sitting down on the floor and not on the throne. “because I don’t deserve being a King" king replied with sad face. She was shocked to hear such words from her father’s face who was a very brave man and fearless. She turned towards the people in the castle. “ tell me what is all this, even while coming back nobody greeted me, the people looked sad and now I see my Father sitting down on floor being helpless, what is all this" Tiana asked. Everyone was silent. “tell me" she shouted. “I will tell you your majesty” Arom replied. Arom told her everything that has happened in all these days. Hearing this she set near her father with angry face. “ I feel like going to that sorcerer and killing her right now" she said in anger. “no one can, we are no match of her" the King replied. “so what we gonna do? Do we sit here quietly and let our woman’s die after every 45 days" she asked. "we might be not a match of her but there is always a superior person then other, am sure there will be someone who will fight with her like a true warrior who will be much more superior then her. He will face her without any fear. Every dog has its day and she has too but we have to leave everything on time and wait for our saviour, till then I want our people to stay safe n not to trust any stranger ” The king replied with a face of hope and confidence. Days passed, the people of the Kingdom started living in fear, no one use to come out of their houses unless it is very important, one fine day a stranger enters the Kingdom riding his brown horse, he was a tall well build up handsome guy with long hair touching his shoulders. He had a strange spark and confidence in his eyes. He was carrying small knives in his clothes and a huge sword tied up on his back. The moment he entered the Kingdom he slowed down the horse speed. He started looking all around and he could see no sign of life around. “do people even live here" he questioned himself. Suddenly he saw an arrow coming towards him, he bent down n saved himself, he realised that someone is watching him. He got up from the horse with no fear. “ all right , so you are scared of me? Because a true warrior never attacks his enemy by hiding himself , he attacks face to face, if you are a true warrior then come in front of me and fight with me like a man" he said with a smile. After few seconds a huge group of somewhat 50 soldiers came towards him with swords in their hands, they surrounded him. “ ok fine, I thought you were just one person but all I can see is that this is like a army who wants to kill me for no reason, better, even my sword has not tasted blood from months, let’s gat ready for some action" he said with style and without any fear by removing is sword out.“ come on" he said in loud voice. All of the Soldiers attacked him, but he fought like a true warrior. His fighting skills and his speed of fighting was unbeatable, he did get few cuts on
his body but in the end he ended up defeating all of them. And within few minutes all were lying down wounded. He smiled and moved towards the castle. “ so this is how you guys welcome outsiders in your Kingdom” he entered the Kingdom and asked the King directly in loud voice. The King stood up. “ sorry for the trouble but we don’t trust Strangers anymore “the kind replied without any expressions. “oh I see “ the stranger replied with smile. “ but whoever you are, you have really impressed me with your skills, moments back you have defeated some of my best soldiers, our army has not lost a war from years but some of my
best soldiers got defeated by one man, that is you, who are u" the King asked with curiosity as well as with a slight smile on face. “ am a wanderer, my name is Zora” The stranger replied. “ Zora, never heard of such a name, your name is just like you, it’s unique" Princess Tiana replied by walking towards her father With a curiosity and a slight smile. “ and who is this beautiful lady" Zora asked with a flirty Smile. Hearing this Tiana's face turned serious. Tiana. Princess Tiana, daughter of King Alpha” Tiana replied with same expression. “ Hello Princess it’s pleasure meeting you” Zora replied with a flirty Smile. “where are my Soldiers “the King asked. “they are lying out and don’t worry i have not killed any one but ya their legs and hands are bit damaged but don’t worry they will get well soon" Zora replied with a smile. “your standing in front of the King, people get nervous even to stand in front of the King and
here you are talking to the King without any fear” Arom asked Zora with a slight angry face. “because if am right then am scared of no one, I don’t see with whom am talking, if it’s a King or a just a common man. If the person is good I will be good with him, if the person is bad I will be bad with him, that’s me” Zora replied with confidence and a smile on his face. Hearing this Arom had nothing to say. Tiana had a impressive smile on her face and King
Alpha too had the same smile. “ I like your confidence, I like your fearless attitude, you can be the guest of our Kingdom as many days you want" The king said with a smile. “thank you”
Zora replied with a smile as well and he turned his face towards Tiana as well and smiled, she too gave a smile in return.“ so as I can see, not everything is well here” Zora asked to the King. The Kings face became little sad. “ yes your right “ the King replied. “ if you don’t mind can I know your problem, I might help you” Zora replied. “ no one can help us, as we are dealing with
something that is magical and pure evil" the King Said with a sad face. Zora became silent for few seconds and later he asked in curiosity “ what evil “ . The king decided to tell Zora everything and he ended up telling their problems to him. Zora became bit serious after
hearing this. “ as you know am a wanderer and throughout my life I have met many people, I have also met many sorcerers as well. Trust me not all sorcerers are bad, there are some
good sorcerers as well and to defeat her we also need powers like her and to get powers like her we also need a sorcerer like her" said Zora in a serious tone. “ what do we do" the King asked in curiosity. “ I know one great sorcerer his name is Molan. He is almost 300 years old. He was once a bad sorcerer but later he changed into a good person. Now he gave up his powers and started living an ordinary life far from other people into the mountains of
Sowara. He was once a very powerful sorcerer and now only he is the one who can help your Kingdom” said Zora. Hearing this the King had smile on this face. “ so we need to go to
the Sowara mountains to find him" asked Princess Tiana. Zora replied saying yes and he continued speaking saying that he will go to the mountains as he knows the mountains and the place very well also it’s very dangerous for a new person to go there as the mountains are filled with dangerous animals. “ I will go with you” Arom said. Zora agreed but Princess interrupted saying that she will go with Zora instead of Arom as Arom should stay here to protect the King and the people from any other danger that comes in the Kingdom. “ but dear
how can I allow you to travel into these dangerous mountains “ King asked Tiana with a worried face. “am daughter of brave King like you, also you have thought me all the skills
which a true warrior should know, so how can you be worried about me father" Princess Tiana asked. Hearing this the Kings heart filled with joy and he replied to Tiana saying that he is proud of her. Tiana smiled in return.
And she turned towards Zora and gave him a strange and mysterious smile and asked him “shall we go". Zora too gave smile saying yes. “ it will take us two days and two nights to reach Sowara mountains , we should leave as fast as possible" Zora replied.

( The Adventure continues in the next part ) Coming Soon
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