

THE JOURNEY OF LOVE : What is love? Is it only for couples? Is it for parents? What is self-love about?

Love is a broad word; with broad meaning, it encompasses so many aspects. Not be confused with lust, some of the main issues we face in our present world is the misunderstanding of LOVE and the unhealthy relationship with LUST. Our world has a lack of love.

Let's learn about it from the religiously organised account.

Christian faith :

In the New Testament of The Bible, there are many words that give us an idea of the stages of love;

Eros : Desire, physical love

Physical love between couples

Storge : Love amongst family members

Holding love for parents, children, family in general

Phileo : Love amongst brothers

Brotherly love amongst friends, people we liaise with

Agape : Charitable love

Acts of compassion and kindness

How about 1 Corinthians 13:4-8?

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

"It does not dishonour others?" , how often do we dishonour others and claim we have devotion? Are we devout? Can we even be devout without the basic understanding of LOVE?

Sanatana Dharma/ Vedic Knowledge :

Kama : The sensory desire, attraction and physical love

"YOU" , the main focus is attraction, physicality, loving through touch. Focusing on the person of interest

Shringara : Rapturous intimacy and romance

"US", the journey now surpasses physicality and now you begin trusting the person, you share secrets, jokes and pains you have been carrying around. All is now good with the world, your guard is let down and you want to make this person "happy"

Maitri : Compassion, generosity & "little acts of kindness"

"WE", the love now moves away from "us" and now to others outside of the circle of intimacy, we want to know more about each other's families, more about others in general. How to help others now that this happiness is growing within. You have tried this ecstacy and you need more in other forms. Helping a stranger and integrity.

Bhakti : Expansive compassion, for God. Devotion & creation



Devotion for a higher being develops, you do things that seem foolish to the ordinary plain of thinking, you admire creationism, the spheres of life and the dimensions that have caused things to "be".

Atma-Prema : Unconditional self-love


You know when you appreciate yourself, you become kinder to others. You recognise your own vices and virtues and respect the paths of others. You forgive quicker, become far more content with your situation, yourself and your life as it is. You stand firm with your boundaries as well, self-love is also self-respect.

It's the GRAND NAMASTE we all wish to embrace.

Now with learning about humanity, creationism, divulging into the ideas of love from religious avenues (merely scratching the surface, what about the depths of love in Islam?), we now learn that the final aspect of love lives in thine own self, the completion of love for everything, even love for The Almighty lies within YOU.

It's not about what you call yourself, it's not about who you please or what you do in acts of religion, rather love introduces itself to you without having to explain itself - in forms of spirituality.

It's all starts with learning the differences between infatuation, temporary highs, lust and finding the purity from within.

With Atma-Prema there is no room for self-loathing, hate for others, wishing ill for others, jealousy, conspiring, gossiping, judgement or hypocrisy.

If you want to become free, choose love.

© Memoirs of Maryannable's Mashables

#Love #lovewriting #pyaar #prem #ishq #bhakti #marriage