

Depression of the soul
Depression: first of all, there are many reasons of your deppression....but basically when your desires isn't fulfill..so you became sad...and slowly slowly😑😑depressed and stressed...
So, dont think much and more about anything because sorrow and happiness both are the important part of the life...but when you became a positive person ..So you can see your sadness in a happy way..So your full life becames happiest . And you live happily..So you physically and mentally..becames good..And you live longer.
Because when you are depreesed..your body , mind and soul...disturbed and streesed and because of this you became bored and streesed more . Dont be streesed more just be happy. Come out from world and find peace under you. Then you get deep relief. Meditation is a good wayif you want relief. And your desires also fulfill when you want to fulfill it because nothing happens when you became sad. So try to be positive and happy..Must find those things who gives you Happiness...💯💯‼️‼️
© ✍YG writes..
