


1.Don’t compare your life with others. If you keep comparing your life to someone else then you will never be happy.
2.Surround yourself by people smarter than you and better at your job than you. It’s the best way to learn.
3.It doesn’t matter whether you are single or committed , what matters most is whether you are happy or not.
4.Do something you love, for at least 1 hour every day.
5.More money doesn't mean more happy.
6.It's okay if they don't like you, not everyone has a good taste.
7.Don't be a people pleaser.
8.If you think you are right always then you are wrong.
9.Never take advice for your career from anyone. choose wisely what you like.
Achieving peace of mind is the ultimate success.
10.hurting others because they hurt you is not okay 👌.

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© feliinspiremyworld