

The New Playstation 5 is Racist!

“For the players”? “For the white players” seems more like it!

I am, quite frankly, embarrassed and ashamed by the recent announcement of the Playstation 5 and the reaction from the “gaming” community. So much so, that I have taken away the Playstation 4 from my 11-year-old son. I consider this to be as much as I can currently do to boycott Sony. Now, some of you might ask yourselves why I feel so disgusted by the new Playstation console and why I would unplug my son's console in the middle of his Fortnite game and sell it on eBay while he was crying and screaming.
But if you’re asking yourself, that is the problem - you are already diving in to defend the side of the racist bigots. Anytime you have to say “I don’t think it’s actually racist…”, stop and realize who you are defending. You are defending the side of hate and injustice. Silence is racist. Denial is racist. How can you silently watch the african american and beautiful Playstation 4 get replaced by the whitewashed Playstation 5 without even saying a word of defiance? How dare they?! There is no doubt in my mind that this was a deliberate act of hate and white supremacy. Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Especially in light of the #blacklivesmatter protests.
On top of this Sony (the Fascists) proudly present their new console to have the “most striking console design yet” which seems to me to be a jab at black beauty. Republicans will often argue that beauty is entirely subjective and therefore it is not racist to say African Americans are less attractive. I hate hearing this and I, for one, am done with hearing my African American friend referred to as “pretty - for a black girl”. This may seem insignificant, but every little bit counts in the fight against injustice.
And there's more! They even equipped the new console with “better” specs. Is this them trying to state that white people are more capable than black people? Imagine not believing in the equality of people, and that white things/humans somehow being better than black things/humans. What’s next? White controllers will be better to play with than black controllers? SHOCKER! Sony released DualSense Controllers which supposedly have more functions than the previous controller and are, of course, white. Notice how the white controller has sense and the black controller has shock? Somehow, the Sony marketing team has decided that sense (rationality) is a white trait, and that shock (the negative emotion) is a black one. It's truly astonishing, that in this day and age, such blatant systemic racism is so prevalent in our society. I am utterly fed up with people denying the existence of our fundamentally racist society whilst corporations pull off something like this!

The gaming community is notorious for being bigoted. Our children are constantly exposed to such content and I am frightened for their futures if fascistic corporations dictate their world view. All "gamers" need to open their eyes and see the harm that their radical beliefs cause. I Candice Johnson, rally for all mothers to stand up against bigotry and hatred. Let's start with Sony here and now!