

"You cannot step into the same river twice"
When we trust people blindly without knowing the actual intention, we end up in wrong path,
but initially the path seems flawless, as we keep on moving, bond becomes stronger & stronger, seems difficult to get rid off from your side, but on the other side, the grass is not always greener,
you may be treated as you don't want to be, this unaccepted move shatters the heart into many pieces, which remains as a permanent scar.

Mind feels fear to accept new faces & it doesn't accept to make a move, all these developments are the credit of your past experiences, which will shape your personality & makes you a better version of yourself and makes you look the world in different perspective. However as you come across a new person in your life u end up stereotyping the person, which leads to unexplore the person.

From this we need to learn not to practice extreme ends(blind believe - no believe), instead follow middle path and assess the situation from different perspectives and take wise steps to lead a happy life 😊

© Vijay_bhavi