

The Yellow Door...
Part 3 (The Shocking Truth)

The stories of the mystery that her mother and grandmother were hiding from her created biggest fear in her. She asked with a bit of anger, "My life is starting to scare me. Now tell me the truths..., don't I deserve to know them anyway?" Grandma and mother looked at each other. Grandma started saying, "I can't hide it from you anymore, I wanted to tell you this long ago. But I had hope that I could free you from this curse. But now I don't have such hope. Grandma's eyes were filled with tears.Grandma continued, My grandma was a very powerful witch. No one in our generation has got her talent. Grandma worked hard to make her talents available to everyone. Everyone depended on grandmother for many problems. Those were very peaceful days. Once a man from the "Pendle Hill" area came to visit his grandmother. He sought help in solving the supernatural problems in that country. Grandma promised to help them. But there was a fear inside the grandmother. The fear of failure haunted the grandmother. Because the grandmother knew that she was going to face a great danger.

When my grandmother went there for the first time, she took my mother with her. It was to record what was happening there and to understand his experiences first hand. The people welcomed them warmly. They realized the reality that many people die there every day. Most of them were children.
the vampire's killed them. My mother realized the truth that Grandma had come there to subdue them with her magic. But Grandma knows that she couldn't stand up to the vampire and defeat him. My mother knew that too. However, in front of the grief of those people, the grandmother decided to make an effort. For that, the grandmother prepared to go to the vampire palace, which is called "Dark Wings Castle", which is the base of bats.

Until a few days ago, their village was very peaceful. It was the lord of that palace who was helping the people who lived very happily.lord was very polite and helpful to everyone. But the sudden death of the lord's son left him very depressed. He used the dead body to perform various spells to bring back his son in a state of his insanity. Finally his son opened his eyes. But he had become a vampire.He hunted down most of the people of that land including the lord. A number of people were turned into his slave vampires. At that time, the people of the village were in a situation where they had to run and hide in fear of their own village.

My grandmother walked to that palace with my mother. It was near dusk. People followed the grandmother with fear. They walked through an environment full of frightening noises. They went and stood in front of the palace door. Before going inside, grandmother said that everyone should stay here. I am the only one going into it. Then my grandmother said to my mother, "There is no way for me to return from here. But I will bind him in this palace. But no one from our family should ever enter this land again. Whatever happens.if anyone do that,His voice will haunt our family forever. You have to do some things for that." Grandmother opened the yellow door and entered inside after giving the necessary instructions to her mother. She also did not know what happened there. She went to the palace that day and did not come back. Grandmother locked him in that palace. But those natives left that land and went to another area. It became a cursed land.

But I had to go there once more. It was because of you. If you hadn't done that then you wouldn't be where you are today. It's all your fault... Grandma's eyes filled with tears.
what..?me..? Lucinda looked at her grandmother in a shock..

© enigma🦋
#story #mystery #vampire