

Never you procrastinate.
Undoubtedly, procrastination is a voluntarily delaying pattern we can do without and we should always endeavor to do without .It's linkage with time ,makes it a very essential topic we should scrutinize. I couldn't really understand and comprehend the vitality of time until some weeks ago.

It was late in the evening ,around 5:30 pm on a sunny and heaty afternoon that I received an emergency call from my uncle living outside the country , announcing that my maternal aunt just collapsed in her work place and I should prepare myself to check up on her. However,deep down I wasn't willing to go that very day due to the fast approach of the night,adding to the fact that I was taking my siesta when the call came in and I was so tired.

Not up to five minutes later , my mum call came in telling me of the same situation despite her weak and sick state ,she told me to come and accompany her to the hospital her younger sister was rushed to. I couldn't help myself but to abide to her intention and I followed her like a chick behind her mother.

On getting to the hospital, it was pass 7 and I knew immediately we were sleeping over , since there is no one with her sister to look after her. My Aunt was looking so pale and sick , the same person we had an unusual discussion on Nigeria loss to Ivory coast, not even up to 16 hours. I was surprised she couldn't even confine in me what she was going and passing through.

Some few minutes pass 2 at midnight, I noticed the faintness in her breathing pulse and we quickly summon the Doctor who quickly did some check-up on her . I was by the door side when the doctor declared she had gave up the ghost. It was so unreal and unbelievable to me, that I was forced to challenge the doctor to re- check her pulse , because how can someone who is breathing in my presence couple of minutes ago ,be declared dead just like that.

It was a very painful exit, couple with the fact that she just celebrated her golden jubilee two years ago and she never got married nor gave birth.

On getting home the next day, I can't stop imagining the gravity of sadness that would have hovered me ,had it been I successfully procrastinated my check-up on her. Most especially, my mum wouldn't have forgiven herself if she hadn't gone to see younger sister before she left this sinful word.


* Dear readers, never should you procrastinate, carrying things out at the right time is most beneficial and favorable.

• Dear readers, always endeavor to share your problems with trustworthy friends , family members,and most especially your parents if they are alive . Sharing the problems will help create a channel to panacea.

• Dear readers, don't brood in the nest of depression.Depression is a condition that could cause you impairment in your daily lives.

© Oluwaninshola