

Do I deserve to be Loved, Mother?
As the Child asks the Mother,
" Do I deserve to be loved, Mother. "
The Mother said,

Dear son,
" Fragrance of roses, I see. Melodies of song, I hear. Everywhere And In Everything, I see you. Love disappears me in yours eyes. Like the tale of Sun and the Star. I remain beautiful forever, And I disapppear in you once again. I loved alone. But I'm never alone. None has loved me, still I no longer hold you. For what I need. If I hold you, I'll sing a song, of love. And hate. With yours sorrow, I'm sorrow. With yours smile, I'm smile. With yours dance, I'll dance. But If you can't. I'll dance anyway. I'm love, And everything I touch, becomes love. A reference, flowing through all beings. Nothing is this world can I hate, and nothing can I seek from you. If there's me in you, nothing can I be afraid of, and nothing can I hide. Nothing of yours can be mine. And no power can I have over yours deeds. Even if you fly away. Even if you hate me. Never will my love change, for you. I see reasons behind what you do. And I see sorrows behind yours eyes. There is always me in you. I'm you, And you're me. Everything is One, And Everyone is Me. Forever, in our hearts. Forever, can I never hold you in my arms. There is never two, but one. Eternal, in all forms. Love shines through me. I'm a reflection of you. I'm the world. And the world is me. Either me, or you. We all, are the same. Nothing is ever about me. But you. What I need, is about me. And not you. Love me or love me not. I'll love you, forever, in my heart. I'm the love I never received. I'll never hurt you. But I'll never let you hurt me. I'll protect you. But I'll protect myself to see you again. I'll always be by yours side. In my hearts, I'm never alone. Love is our always. Love has no beginning. And ending. Love never dies. It stays forever, in our hearts. "
© Rose