

Unknown Parcel - Anxiety
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it.
amused by the parcel ,I said to myself- I should not pick this up
consfused with a million thoughts coming in my mind, I closed the door,without picking up the parcel and began to prepare my daily breakfast
I chopped the vegetables, heated up some oil and then started to make. my favorite dish - a mix vegetable gravy,which I would eat with a bread slice cooked in butter.
but don't know why, I was still confused,whether or not I should pick the parcel up, after thinking for around 20 minutes, I decided to pick that up - I thought it might be something really important - then I opened the door and saw the parcel still there

it was a small, shiny parcel,
to pick it up,I acted like a marvel
I picked it up,with millions of Heartbeats,
to check- is it for a bad luck,or for a tasty delicious treat

my heart started to beat very fast, I picked up the parcel and placed it on my table.
I was still confused, that j should open it or not.
but once again I gathered my courage and decided to open it.
I picked up my scissors and started to cut the packing paper, slowly and slowly, ensuring that there is no damage to the actual gift inside

after unpacking, I could not belive my eyes,
it was something to search which, for so long,I had tried

It was, my own diary from the old school times,which was taken by the poems club,
they had now returned it , with some amazing pritnt quality, and a thank you letter - thank you sir for the poems, we have now decided to make a few poems a permanent part of our poet club,please accept this copy as a gift from us
charmed with the book and the note,I began ro read my memories,and got drown into the ocean of my past