

It's Always There🕯
You always get a feel of that little light.
That little light is always near, it is always present. Sometimes you may feel that there is only darkness with no light to see, and no sun to reach. That estimate is never true in my eyes, I strongly believe that there's always a light somewhere to be found.

We all go through dark places sometimes, we all have before. Theres nothing pretty much wrong with that, as its apart of being the beautiful creature you are now. Some things in life may throw you into shock, or scare you, maybe even hurt ya, or shake you to go depressed. As some things can lead you into the darkness ....theres a light inside of you that shines, even when you cant see it.
You glow in the dark, and you dont even know it. The darkness cannot stand that light of yours that shines through it all.

Theres a light inside of you. You are an amazing being and always will be. No being was created to be nothing or worthless or dim. For we all shine! You are more than you know! You are a light , a big bright one that drives darkness insane!

That light is there...if you cannot seem to see of find it.....search without hesitation for you will surely find it. Believe in that light of yours when darkness begins to challenge you ! If you believe in your light...you will never be defeated! Your light will guide you and show you many things as you'd never know. Your light is blinding to the darkness....shine until there is no more!

Theres a special light inside of you.
It stays there and never leaves through any thing. It always shines, even in the darkness!

There is a light inside of you, that no one can truly take away....its a part of you! You were made with it!