

Always and Forever
He had been woken up by a light shining upon his face. Opening his eyes, at first, he is confused where he might be. He caught a movement in his peripheral view.

Opening her eyes, still a bit dazed. Blankly staring at the ceiling for a moment.

"Good morning, Love."
He greeted while chuckling at his lover's adorable behaviour.

Startled by the voice, she abruptly sat up causing her vision to momentarily blacked out.

The guy watching her, again chuckled. Couldn't help himself but kissed the crown of his girlfriends head. He found this clumsy side of her, quite endearing.

Meanwhile, thinking that her lover is beside her and witnessed all that, resulting to the red that dusted her cheeks and quite possibly, also her ears. But she wouldn't let her man know about it, Lest she'll get teased again.

"Good morning, You're up early?"
She ask, pretending that she didn't embarrassed herself awhile ago.

"Hmm.." The guy responded, still caressing her hair while staring at her fondly.

"Stop it!"

Ticked and embarrassed with this. She slapped his hand away and quickly gets out of the bed.

"C'mon, Let's eat! I'll cook because we both know if you did, you'll burn the house down." She said while mischief in her eyes, taking her turn to tease the man.

"W-wha.. That's one time!" He complained, while you can visibly see a blush creeping from his neck to his ears.

Having the urge to throw many of the pillows beside him because he is seriously embarrassed. Remembering the moment where his girlfriend's parents came home at that time, seeing him having a breakdown while there's huge fire in the frying pan.

"Alright, alright.. Let's go, I am really starving."

Seeing her boyfriend lamenting about the fact that, he did almost burned down her home. She yields but not before uttering the words..

"But please, stay away from the kitchen!"

Quickly ducking her head before a pillow could hit her face. She run down the stairs, Crack laughing.

Having finished cooking, She called for her boyfriend knowing he is having a nap because he is not really a morning person. So imagine her surprise when she saw him awake before her.

While the two is having their joyful breakfast. The sound of the doorknob being turn catch their attention. Twisting their upper body towards the door, There came the guy's parents.

"Honey, please stop this, She wouldn't want you like these. You gotta move on." His mother cried at the sight of his boy having those moments again. While his father hold his wife, staring at his son, sorrow visible in his eyes.

And just like that,
Like a bubble had burst
in front of his eyes.
The delusion is slowly crumbling.

The apartment that is formerly bright and full of aesthetic vibes, is now a room with barely any light. Stink of unwashed dishes and many more invaded his sense of smell. Seeing the apartment state, he didn't know what to say. It's like a hurricane happen within.

A thought sinked in, quickly turning to his lover. Just to found out that the smiling beloved of his, is gone. Suddenly remembering that the love of his life is gone. Due to her, firing a gun below her chin. Resulting to her dead and leaving him, without a note or anything.

His parents, brokenhearted by the sight of their boy sobbing like there is no tomorrow. Wails resounded every corner of the room. To those who hears it, will feel their heart being clenched because it sounds so heartbreaking.

Coming closer to him, his parents hugged him. So tight, afraid that if they didn't, they would lose him too.

Morning comes and a TV playing as a background to the old couple who is clutching to each other like their dear life depended on it.

"Breaking News: A body was found dead. It is known that the boy committed suicide near his lover's grave. According to those who sees the body. They mistaken him just sleeping and having a good dream because the boy is smiling...."

© Bashful