

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?
She grabbed hear coat and vuntured out to walk away under the misty sky clutching her coat closer to her body as the wind felt cold against her body which was ironical cause her heart was beating fast, her face flustered as she remember the events of the other night. The way his arms caressed her thighs, the way he attacked her lips moving in perfect unison. He locked her arms behind her never letting her touch him. She kept trying but failing everytime as he dominated her. Her every inch surrenderd under his touch, his voice cause her skin to fluster and his kisses making her burn in desire.
Walking on a lonely cold route she embraced her desire for him, the desire to feel pleasure and pain. As she looked around she couldn't find anybody and decided to return. A few minutes passed by and she heard somebody follow her. As she started walking faster the cold wind hit her face before she could run any faster someone tugged at her arm pushing her against the wall of an eerie alley way.
She tried wiggling out of the arms that held her. He roughly pussed her behind and locked her hands above her head.
"Ever since you have spent that night with me I can't get you out of my head, driving me crazy"
The voice now known to her she started to breathe heavily as the fear got replaced with insatiable need for the man standing in front of her.
"Make me yours" She says and boy he does. He flips her over and slowly lowers her pants making her go mad with need. She need him. He slowly brought his hands in between her thighs and never touching her there. She was desperate now but totally under his spell. The more slower he went the more She started to breathe faster.
"Don't tease me, please claim me, now" She begged and he was taken aback as to how vocal She was being about her needs and he lowerd his pants and roughly thrust himself into her.
He moved at such a speed making every inch of her body collapse almost. No they didn't want to wait or take it slower. They were lost in lust. He spanked her butt and that made her go over the edge while he is was thrusting in her. Feeling her convulse around him he gave in too. They both shattered into million pieces embracing each other. The loneliness forgotten as their breaths mingled with each other. He fliped her again to face him and kissed her on the forehead forever making her his.
© Stellar's Fantasy