

The Box
There was a little town that nobody really knew about on the edge of Maine. In that town the people acted funny they always thought that everything was ok. If only that was true. There had been strange things happening in the house on the hill. Everyone down in the town thought that nobody lived in that house. Until one day when the lights were on. They had a town meeting about what they would do and most people wanted to have the mayor go up there. As scared as the mayor got he agreed and that night he went up to the house. What the townsfolk had heard was only a quiet scream then the house went pitch black. The townsfolk had become frightened after the many days that the mayor had not returned. Until there was a ding at the mayor's wife's house. She opened the door and saw two men standing outside carrying what seemed to be a small wooden box. They had here bring it inside and she had to open it and what she saw in that box scared here to death. What had been in that box was her husband chopped up. She took the box and held it close to her and she began to cry. That night she jumped off the second story of the house and broke her neck. She laid there dead in the cold hard grass. The police had found her there and they investigated the house finding a lonesome letter sitting on the dining room table. "Dear Police by the time you find this letter you know that I had taken my own life I was greifing over the death of my husband so bad that I needed to reunite with him. signed Margret" The police had buried the couple together and they had done what they always wanted to do reunite.
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