

Problem solved
This tale has been passed down through the generations, retold by my teachers and my parents to me...

First grade Me, A cute creature happened to be a simple child but there is the girl believed that I possessed some sort of supernatural power. Perhaps she thought I had secret horns hidden beneath my perfectly Oiled hair, or maybe she suspected that I could summon monsters with the flick of a pencil. Whatever the case, her fear of me was so intense that even the mere suggestion of us sitting together would cause her to burst into tears .

Now, being the innocent and naive child that I was, I couldn't quite comprehend why this girl was so petrified of my presence. But as the days went by, her tears began to wear on my patience. I became annoyed, exasperated even, and I decided that enough was enough. It was time to put an end to this madness.so,

I made a plan—a plan so ingenious . I would create a magical mixture, enjoy powerful that it would silence my whole classmates all at once . And so, I armed with glue, water, and juice (because why not add a touch to the mix?), I set out to bring my master plan to life.

next day , I approached my unsuspecting classmate. I didn't have the courage to ask her directly Instead, I presented her with my "juice," a shimmering elixir that promised to quell her fears and transform her into the fearless warrior she was destined to be.

Little did I know that my magical mixture was, in fact, a lethal adhesive in disguise. But I was just a kid, and the dangers of industrial-strength glue were not yet common knowledge in my mind. I can assure you that my intentions were pure, even if my execution was, well, a tad misguided.

So, with a mischievous grin, I offered the juice to my classmate. I watched as she hesitated, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity .
As the girl took sips of my mix , 50~60 minutes later ... she fainted.

I lost all my courage to writing any long maybe part2 ,maybe not.

And so, dear readers, moral of the story is to always think twice before attempting to solve your problems with magical mixtures. After all, there are far better ways to make your classmates than gluing their mouths shut.

© Shi