

Once upon a time,there was a young girl named sarah.she was know for her rebellious nature and always has a knack for doing things,her own way.She lost her mother,when she was young and was raised by her father,one day her father warned her about the dangers of staying out late at night and urged her to be cautious.
However, sarah being a stronghead and eager for adventure,brushed off her father's advice and decided to attend a late night party with her friends.As the night went on,Sarah found herself caught up in the excitement and forgot about her father's warning.
After the party,she made her way home in the dark,she suddenly found herself in a dimly lit alley.She felt a sense of uneasy but choose to ignore it, believing she could handle an situation that comes her way.Little did she know,danger lurked nearby.
Out of the shadows,a group of stranger approached Sarah demanding her belongings,seeing that she was unresponsive,one of the stranger plunged a knife into her stomach and pulled it out,then they all ran leaving her to die slowly."If only I had taken a safer route home,"if only i didn't go to the party", she thought after moments of silence ,she said aloud with difficulties "if only I listened to my father" and then died.Her corpse was found the next day ,when her father was informed,he also died because he couldn't live without his daughter.
Something it pays to listen ,when we think we only hurt ourselves but we also hurt those who love us.