

Lost lake princess
Long time have ,i lived in the lake as a princess with no friends and a name that seems foreign to everyone (seren).I had always been abandoned by my parents, I felt like I didn't belong , I begged my parents to let me explore life above the surface, but they made excuses telling me that the surface world is too cruel for someone like me. They said they were only trying to keep me safe from wicked forces in life that wish to harm me, so I keept my cool After I turned 18. I decided it was time so i ran away from my underwater home and swam to shore where. I met a pretty lady who asked me where I explained to her that my parents were mermaids and I was the only child with out a tail or power so I was neglected and builied by my peers. Suddenly the sky grew dark and the pretty lady was no longer there in her place stood the banished lake witch. As soon as i saw her, i took to my heels and ran as fast as I could to escape. I hadn't gone far when the witch tried to curse me but it didn't work on me, meanwhile in the under water world everything was in chaos, people begin to see my worth. I ran so fast and i was amazed that I didn't get tired when i looked down I realized i wasn't running but flying I tried to fly higher and it worked suddenly something hot and cold pulsed through my veins the pain was intense so intense that I fell to the ground when the witch tried to use the opportunity to capture me, she was pushed by an invincible force the force was so strong that it created an earthquake that even the underwater world was affected and all came to the surface to look and I wasn't myself anymore something in me took over I flew above the lake and everyone was amazed. The witch regained her senses and tried to attack suddenly i use the power of fire to attack, she fell badly injured then I used the power of Earth to put an end to the witch. But when i woke up I was just a normal human no power nothing just a dream but it sure was good. Gift7886
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