

The journey is getting longer the more i walk. But it's good that I'm encompassed by great friends to make it shorter than it really is. Instead of lonely,this journey is filled with laughter, foolishness, happiness that i cannot even grasp myself. Sure it does bend every once in a while,thorns piercing right through our shoes and we can't help but to cry out in pain.You know what's good about all this?: We have each other,we help each other take out the thorns .

At night we tremble with cold,but we warm each other.And dont get me started with the bears roaming around us in the dark night,once again we tremble but this time with fear. Then again we have each other so we keep calm. At dawn we all watch in awe as the sun rises,we smile knowing that we have made it through the scary black night.

And so,the journey continues but we walk with our heads held up high,our hearts swoon with pride because we know : WE HAVE EACH OTHER♡
