

Ep 6 The desired sensation
After so much of closerness , elizabeth remined him that she have to go for the shower . Because they really didn't shower . So xavier told her that " If I get shower then you have to do it with me " . So they went there and saw a very big kind of bathtub which had milk and rose petals in it . Xavier told " Take off your clothes in front of me !" . This words made elizabeth a little ashamed . In front of him she could not take off her clothes . Xavier got naked and took of his clothes . Now the same thing was happening again he was having erection . He kissed her and kissed her . Using this method he easily took off her clothes . Now both off them were fully naked . They went into the bathtub and saw eachother. Now this time elizabeth have him a sweet kiss . This made him crazy he kissed her and touching her like a crazy . He saw her beautiful goddess looking boobs . He sucked her baby pink coloured nipples. Xavier told ' You have a great body ' . Elizabeth told ' Thank you my lion !'. He told that " If I am really a lion then I would catch my prey and eat it . " Elizabeth smiled and kissed his lips once more . Xavier told " Will you have sex with me? " . She said " If the king has ordered it then obviously I have to accept it " . He saw her cute expression whole telling this and hugged her . They both wiped there body and went to xavier's room to have sex . They both were naked . Mary had saw this and she smiled and went to the kitchen. She was in front of him and she was walking faster . Her beautiful fair butts . What happened next? I am going to tell you in next episode . Byee..
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