

My reflections
As I awake every morning I breath a sigh of relief..I'm overwhelmed by the beauty of my surroundings...My home is my haven..I thank God for the touch of heaven I experience within my home.

I hear birds chirping as soon as I awake...They are all so beautifully coloured ..and I go outside now...and sprinkle bread crumbs for one of the most beautiful of Gods creations...I admire them as they eagerly await for their food...

What I admire about birds is their ability to fly. I think this is one of the most amazing creations of God. God is amazing ..and He is the creator of all things.

Jesus is the alpha and the omega ..the beginning and the end...I thank My lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for blessing me with a touch of heaven which I experience within my own home...So I admire the beauty of the outdoors as well ...I can see my rose garden...it looks very heavenly ...as well..as I can also see beautifully coloured butteflies fluttering around the garden...

I watch my dog Ginger peacefully asleep in His dog basket..I go back inside my home ...and I also watch my son yush peacefully asleep as well..so he awakens as soon as I enter his room..He always gives me a hug every morning when he wakes up...Yush is very affectionate and kind...I'm proud to be his mum...and I'm thankful to God for blessing me with yush..

Yush is my dream come true..He is so precious to me...I love him so dearly and I'm blessed to be his mum. So I know begin to kneel before my God and say a little prayer ...thanking God for my life and for saving my life...due to fat embolism. Yush also prays with me...We both delight in our Messiah ..Jesus Christ ..

The holy spirit now dwells within our home..and we can feel the radiant presence of Jesus immediately as we pray. Prayer is vital and reading the bible daily is also imperative ..There is power in the word of God..We feel a touch of heaven immediately as we begin to praise and worship our God..

There is power in the name of Jesus...Jesus is alive forever more...and that's what makes my life so incredible...My advice to you is trust in God wholeheartedly and you will become an overcomer by God's amazing saving grace ..the way I have..I'm so lucky to be alive...so I thank jesus for giving me back my life....my peace ..my joy ...and for His unconditional love and favour upon my life...blessing and honour be to my God always..